Make Your Blog Readers Your New Google Bots
A big fan following, email subscribers & regular readers, right?
After blogging for few months; one day you stumbled-upon a term called SEO. You tried to learn all the tricks of SEO to impress the Google bots. So that they rank your articles high on the Google search, and you get some organic readers on your blog.
You did keyword research. Sprinkle them in your blog posts whenever you create a new piece. Always optimize the meta-descriptions, and added social sharing buttons & integrated Google Authorship Mark-up to claim all your creations in the search results.
The results…
Then you purchased a Premium Theme to make your blog standout from the rest of the crowd. Customized the fonts, colors, widgets… and everything in between.
Despite a great looking blog and time spent on SEO; your blog posts don’t rank high on Google. You get organic traffic from Google like some peanuts in the breakfast (hope, you don’t like only peanuts in the breakfast).
Why the hack you failed?
Don’t worry. Keep reading… to know the simple solution.
The landscape of SEO has changed a great deal in the last couple of years. Now you can’t impress Google bots by simply adding some tags or acquiring some dofollow links.
SEO is not confined to search engines or online world only. It has extended to offline or real world too. Now offline brand building is the best SEO you can do to your beloved blog.
So, what should you do?
Make your blog readers your Google bots.
Hey, don’t get me wrong. I want to say – treat your blog readers like your dear friends. Invite them like you invite guests in your home. Pamper them. Make them happy 
When your readers become happy few great things happen:
1. Time on site/web-page increases.
2. They don’t bounce-back to search results.
3. They share your posts in their social circles.
4. They bookmark your blog, and become frequent visitors.
2. They don’t bounce-back to search results.
3. They share your posts in their social circles.
4. They bookmark your blog, and become frequent visitors.
Truly speaking – they (your readers) optimize your blog posts to rank high in Google search. Because these are the things (signals) Google/Google bots like to see on a web-page to rank it higher.
To make Google bots happy;firstly, make your visitors happy.
How to make your visitors happy
Just connect with them.
Find out what exactly they want. Inspire them, help them and entertain them.
Just like making a guest happy in your home – offer your readers a great ambiance by making your blog fast loading, easy to navigate and without any unwanted pop-ups. Discuss with them what they like by publishing well researched articles. Answer their comments.
And they will recommend your blog to Google bots.
Happy Blogging