10 Avoidable (Completely) Side Effects Of Blogging
Like every medicine has its side effects; blogging also comes with its own side effects.
If you’re an active blogger at least for last 1 year or so, you must’ve some sort of idea – How nonstop blogging takes a toll on mental & physical health of bloggers (including You).
Bloggers are always driven by passion, creativity & hard work. And if you’re an aspiring professional blogger – then the efforts become two folds. So also the impact of side effects due to blogging.
Sitting in front of the glowing screen for hours together, awaking till the wee hours of the nights (read as ‘till early morning’), waking-up late in the morning, and even catching-up sleep in the afternoon become a routine affair. These are all signs of unhealthy lifestyle. If you continue this habits for long time (years together) then you will definitely suffer from the below symptoms which can damage your physical and mental health in a very –Ve way.
But the good news is – You can very much avoid these side effects or symptoms. And in most of the cases – complete reversal of the degraded health.
So, if you are a serious blogger, or planning to make blogging as a careerthen think about the below side effects (symptoms) seriously and follow the remedy I’ve listed at the end. Because long-term and successful bloggingneeds a healthy body + healthy mind.
Let’s start…
1. Obesity: Gaining weight is the most common and the 1st symptom you will notice in your blogging career. This is mainly because of leading a sedentary lifestyle, over eating habits due to other side effects like depression & insomnia, along with a lack of regular exercise regime.
Obesity leads to Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Arthritis, Low Backache, High Cholesterol Level, Coronary Artery Disease, etc. in long run.
2. Insomnia: Due to the nature of the work bloggers remain awake till late in the night, which becomes a habit after few months.
Sleep deprivation results in lack of concentration, decreased sensory alertness and easy fatiguability. Without adequate sleep you will not feel “a sense of well being” and crave for an afternoon nap. You remain depressed (sad) throughout the day. Your skin becomes lusterless and your hair becomes dull
To be a better blogger (healthy body + cool mind) 6 to 8 hrs of good-night sleep is mandatory.
3. Depression: Insomnia and working in an isolated environment leads to chronic depression.
Depression leads to excessive eating, over-weight problem and compulsion to give more time to your favorite hobby i. e. spending more time in front of PC screen for blogging.
4. Loneliness: During blogging you become cut-off from the real world and remain isolated in the virtual world for long time. Depression and isolation are the main causes of loneliness. Which (loneliness) again leads to depression, insomnia and obesity.
5. Lack of confidence: Bloggers who spend more than 8 hrs in front of PC and remain connected to online world by any means like blogging, social media networking and even general web surfing suffer from lack of confidence in real life.
They may show over confidence while speaking about their niche or about their own blog; but they lack confidence while approaching others and in social gatherings.
6. Photo-ophthalmitis: Sitting hours together in front of glowing PC screen without a break leads to red & dry eyes. This happens due to the harmful rays emitted from the PC screen and decreased lacrimation due to decreased frequency of blinking. This is the reason why lots of bloggers suffer from ‘burning eyes.’
7. Polyphagia: Depression & insomnia are the main reasons of excessive eating habit. Craving for carbohydrate in the form of sweet and carbonated water is also very common. Polyphagia leads to obesity, hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
8. Anxiety & irritation: After few months of continuous blogging, lots of bloggers complaints of ‘burning-out,’ and suffer from anxiety and irritation. It usually leads to lack of concentration & motivation, and may damage your blogging career adversely.
9. Chronic headache: Insomnia and fatigued eye muscles leads to headache. Occasional headache in the initial period becomes chronic in nature in long run.
10. Lack of interest: Depression, insomnia and obesity are the main reasons of lack of interest in day to day life. It also affects your creativity, hard work and motivation to be a better blogger.
1# Goodnight sleep: 6 to 8 hours of good sleep can prevent most of the side effects listed above.
2# 30 mins. of exercise: Regular exercise in the form of walking, jugging or skipping (cardio) for at least ½ an hour keep your body and mind fit.
3# Commonsense eating: Giving 5 sec of thoughts before eating anything is known as ‘smart or commonsense eating.’ Within that 5 sec your brain decides whether you should eat the food or not; I mean, the food is healthy for your body or not. By following this you will be able to avoid junk and oily food on so many occasions.
4# Frequent breaks: 2 to 5 mins of break in every 30 mins of working in front of PC keeps your eyes fresh. To follow it religiously, make it a habit by setting an alarm in your watch or mobile for every 30 mins.
Are you suffering from any of the side effects of blogging listed above? Share your experience in the comments below.