Is Your Blog Unique Enought To Appeal Visitors
In the world of blogging there is cut-throat competition. Your blog has to be unique enough to get noticed by your blog readers or visitors.
If your blog has unique content, looks and user experience – People will visit it repeatedly, bookmark it, subscribe the email newsletter and spread the words in social media. They feel a kind of peace or security when they visit their favorite blogs. These blogs are visitors’ favorite because they are unique in some way.
Today I will tell you – How to make your blog unique to be noticed by visitors?
1. Content
Always remember, people visit your blog because of your content. If they visit your blog for any other reasons than content, then it’s short-lived.
Content makes or breaks a blog. So, how will you make your content unique?
To make your blog content unique – You should have a unique voice, a unique writing style and unique topic selection. A visitor visits your blog not because it’s his/her favorite; but because he/she hopes to learn something or gain something with every visit. So, find your unique blogging style and stick to it.
2. Looks
Even though you’ve great content, if the looks of your blog is unpleasant then sooner or later people will avoid it.
People like to visit blogs which look unique. A unique domain name, a custom logo, and a premium theme with pleasant colors make a big difference. Color plays an important role for blogging success. Your color choice should be restricted to max. 2 to 3, and should complement your subject matter (niche).
Customize your main content area, your sidebar, footer, various widgets, and even the comment section. There shouldn’t be any other blogs in blogosphere which looks completely like yours.
3. User Experience
Visitors repeatedly visit a blog because they feel comfortable during their stay (reading, navigating, commenting, etc.).
People like fast loading blogs. So, use a CDN. Give readability the utmost importance. Because visitors come to your blog to read something. Use a better font with good font size and font color. Use a pleasant background color with better contrast.
Make your blog easy to navigate by organizing your menu, category and pagination. Customize your commenting section. Make your content sharable.
Most importantly, don’t stuff annoying ads within your blog posts. It breaks the flow of reading. It distracts. Subconsciously it makes a repulsion within the mind of readers. Initially they may visit your blog frequently, but later on they will quit. And people hate pop-ups. Don’t display it; unless and until you are in the top 3 spots in your niche, and offer a great value for your visitors.
There are various other smaller things which you can use on your blog to make it unique like – running an interesting poll, adding a video section or adding a voting option on your blog posts. But remember – less is always more. Be minimalistic, and be unique.
Happy Blogging