How Professional Bloggers Earn BIG Bucks
Professional blogging is all about – Producing quality content on a regular basis, a solid marketing strategy and a better monetization plan in place.
From establishing a blog to building a brand image doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years together to leave an image in the readers’ mind thereby building a loyal fan and follower base.
Professional bloggers are those bloggers who earn solely from their blogsand other blogging activities.
Source of earnings…
Professional bloggers don’t restrict themselves to a single source of earning. In fact they diversify their earning sources and thereby the earning potentials.
Recently a survey was conducted for 400 bloggers whose 100% of earnings come from their blogs and blogging activities. In other words they make a living out of professional blogging. Check out the different ways they adopt…
- Advertising: The major revenue generation by professional bloggers is via advertising and different Ad networks. 77% of bloggers told they earn their major chunk by displaying Ads on their blogs.
- Freelance writing: Due to the boom of content marketing, there is huge demand of freelance writing. Online e-commerce sites and SEO firms are their major clients. And 55% of bloggers earn their major money via freelance writing.
- Affiliate: On 3rd spot there is Affiliate Marketing. Selling products of others and earning certain percentage in the process.
- Consulting Services: You have to be an established expert in your niche to offer consulting services to online merchants.
- Pay per post: Publishing reviews, posts and advertorials in lieu of money.
- Speaking: Leading bloggers are usually thought leaders in their niche. And they get quite a lot of offers for speaking on various occasions and meets.
- E-Book: Many professional bloggers sale their e-Books on their own blogs for revenue generations.
Conclusion : One thing every professional bloggers agree is – Explore and diversify your earning sources or methods. A good combination works great. Add the earning source of your blog in the comments below.